3045 Kinburn Side Road
This is an update on the WCSTA AGM on Wednesday October 13, 2021. Our meeting will be held in the large hall at the Kinburn Community Centre. This is a City of Ottawa owned facility. They now require that people attending the AGM have been double vaccinated for Covid and have proof of the vaccinations to show at the door. They also require that we collect the names and contact information for those that attend. We will have a volunteer at the door to collect this information in accordance with City of Ottawa and Provincial direction.
Volunteer Needed for Secretary Position
We have not yet identified a volunteer to assume the role of Club Secretary. The main function of the position is to participate in and maintain records for Club meetings. Other associated thing in assisting with the running of the Club will also be involved. We meet once a month in the evening.
If you are interested in this role and helping your Club, please contact me at president@wcstai.com
If you enjoy snowmobiling, please consider the importance of becoming involved in your Club.
Volunteers Needed to Assist in Map Advertising
Each year the Club receives a large portion of its sponsorship from the sale of advertising on our Club map. This also provides valuable information to snowmobilers when we attract a wide range of services you can use on or off the trail.
We are looking for several volunteers that will help us with approaching our existing advertisers with this year’s sales package. You can also assist in identifying and attracting new advertisers. The money from this initiative is what keeps your trails open and groomers running.
This function occurs mainly in October to December. If you have an interest, please let me know.
Want to be a Board Member? There are several positions available on the Board of Directors. Stand up and let your voice be heard.
Paul McDonald, President
September 24, 2021
Every year we have our AGM. This year it is on Wednesday October 13 at 7:00pm. It is being held at the Kinburn Community Centre. This is your chance to let the Board of Directors and others know your thoughts on your Club, trails and operations.
We will also be holding the election of the new Board of Directors and electing the Executive for the 2021-2022 season, so this is your time to become involved in the running of your Club.
This season we will have some exciting things for all of you that the Board and volunteers have accomplished.
- The W1 Trail and the bridge over the Ottawa River will be fully open. This will provide an earlier opening of the crossing to Quebec as well a a safe non-ice crossing. We welcome our Quebec neighbours to WCSTA.
- We are working on several trail re-routes that will make for better trails. Come out and ride them.
- We are brushing and widening several trails to improve your ride.
- We will have the first OFSC Loop Trail in WCSTA that will include Kanata, Calabogie and Pembroke. It will connect to the RAP and other trails.
In order to continue these improvements, and the everyday operation of the Club, we need new blood on the Board of Directors.
Need for New Directors
Some Directors have been on the Board and contributed to the Club for many years. Some are moving on and need to be replaced at the AGM. I encourage you to put your name forward to become active in the running of the Club. It is a rewarding experience and 100s of our members have provided this service over the last 41 years. You will be involved in Club management, project development and implementation, working with volunteers and event management and presentation. We need a wide range of experience and commitment so do not be afraid to step up.
If you would like to run for a Board position, please contact Kyle Fierens at kyle_1123@hotmail.com or Rick Craig at rcraig@cmelectric.com. Alternatively, you can email president@wcstai.com. In order to be successful, we need new people to replace those that have kept the Club going all these years.
We look forward to seeing you at the Annual General Meeting.
Paul McDonald, President