Web publishers’ note: We apologize for this notice making it’s way slowly to the web site. While some of the content here is a week old we feel it is still important to share it on the site.

From your Vice-President, Feb. 7, 2020:

We have now received approval from the City of Ottawa to open all trails in our Club that are on City property.  We are opening a number of trails to YELLOW on the ITG today so go to the OFSC website and see what is open. Our groomers are going to be out day and night so be cautious on the trails.

With the new snow it is important that everyone stay between the pickets – stay on the trails – and respect our land owners.

As I said last night, it has been very difficult getting agreement on some snowmobiling issues during our discussions. Your individual riding habits are the greatest risk to all snowmobile Clubs losing access to Insurance and trails across Ontario. We as Club Members and snowmobilers must contribute to keeping our trails open. This means slow down in built up areas. No loud starts in built up areas and around houses. Respect other trail users. Stay on the trail.

Our future negotiations with land owners, municipalities, insurance companies and others now depends on each and every one of our behavior on the trails.

We appreciate your patience while we worked to open our trails. Enjoy the rest of the winter. Now you can spend money on gas.

Paul McDonald, Vice President