
Volunteers still needed!

Volunteers still needed!


The snow is here, and many of our trails are open, but we still need volunteers to help clear some trails or help with events. Whether you have a few hours, or a day here and there to help out, we really want to hear from you!

If clearing trails or trail marking and signage isn’t your thing, there are lots of other opportunities to get involved and meet new people. Organizers or staff for events such as our poker run, or people to help manage other club affairs are needed too. Just let us know your skills or interests!

Volunteering for the club is a great way to meet like-minded people, make friends – and is also a fun way for high school students to get their volunteer hours!

For more information, please contact us. We look forward to meeting you!

2013 WCSTA Meeting Agenda

2013 WCSTA Meeting Agenda

The West Carleton snowmobile club holds monthly meetings at the Sports Bar in the W.E  Johnson Arena in Carp.  All members of the West Carleton club, volunteers and landowners are invited to attend. If you would like to find out more about what goes on behind the scenes, please join us.

2013 WCSTA Meeting Schedule

(all meetings held at 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise posted)

Tuesday January 15/2013

Wednesday February 13/2013

Thursday March 14/2013

Monday April 8/2013

Pisten Bully Groomer Fire

Pisten Bully Groomer Fire

As many of you will already know, we lost our Pisten Bully groomer to a mechanical fire on New Years Eve. What is left of the groomer has been shipped to Barrie and we are trying to settle an insurance claim and secure a replacement groomer as quickly as possible. We have a new replacement on standby, but of course this cannot be shipped to us until insurance is settled.

Many thanks to Greg, who has had to deal with this unfortunate incident, and all of our groomer operators, who will be working hard to try to keep trails maintained until we have this crucial piece of equipment replaced. We ask you to be patient if the trails are not up to the standard we’ve been fortunate enough to enjoy recently. It is frustrating for all of us with the great snowfall we’ve been receiving!

For more information, and updates on the groomer and grooming, please visit Trail Talk in our forums.

Snowmobile Driver Training – December 8

Snowmobile Driver Training - December 8

We have a driver training course scheduled for December 8/2012 at the Kinburn community centre with space for up 25 students. You can pre-register students at greg@wcstai.com. Please email with names and phone numbers of applicants.

Here’s what you need to know to enroll:

  • Student MUST be 12 yrs old on or before the day of the course.
  • Students must present a valid form of identification at registration. (Birth Certificate
    or Photo Health Card)
  • Cost is $40.00 per course per student (includes all required course material)
  • Driver Training instructors are MTO certified, community based volunteers.
  • Courses are in-class only (NO operation of a snowmobile during class).
  • Course will be approximately 8 hours including registration, lunch and breaks. Bring your lunch,
    snacks and water for the day, dress comfortably. Some instructors will provide a lunch at an additional, optional cost.
  • Graduates receive a Motorized Snow Vehicle Operator’s Licence.

Important Note: Persons age 16 years and over that hold a valid Ontario Driver’s Licence, including
classes G1, G2, M1 or M2,  or a Motorized Snow Vehicle Operator’s Licence may operate a snowmobile on
available OFSC snowmobile trails.
Persons age 12-16 require a Motorized Snow Vehicle Operator’s Licence.

16 years of age or older and have a valid Ontario’s Drivers Licence? This information is for you–
Drivers 16 and over may operate a snowmobile on OFSC trails and Ontario Highways where legally permitted. They must hold a valid Ontario Driver’s Licence, including classes G1, G2, M1,or M2, or a Motorized Snow Vehicle Operator’s Licence. Anyone who has does not have a valid Ontario Driver’s Licence for whatever reason cannot operate a snowmobile on trails or on highways where legally permitted.

Adult Safety Driver Training Course.

Read the Motorized Snow Vehicles Act for more information on snowmobiling laws.

WCSTA AGM to be held November 8

WCSTA AGM to be held November 8

On Thursday November 8, 2012 at 7:30 pm the West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association will be holding our Annual General Meeting at the Sports Bar in the W.E  Johnson Arena in Carp. The monthly board of directors agenda will also be included in this meeting. All members of the West Carleton club are invited to attend.

Getting Ready for 2012-13 Season

Trail preparation is well under way for the 2012-2013 season. Several small teams of our intrepid  volunteers made big strides last weekend, completing opening of the trail near Pinto Valley Ranch, and clearing brush along the Carp Ridge and in the old Crazy Horse / Holland Hill areas. There’s still lots to do to get ready for this season though, so we encourage you to get in touch with Ted Kelly, our volunteer coordinator for 2012-2013. Last year was a good year for snowmobiling in West Carleton, considering the limited white stuff on the ground, and this would not have been possible without our volunteers. Please help make the trails in your area even better this year by offering upo a few hours of your time!

To find out more please get in touch here!

Poker Run – Feb 25th 2012

2012 WCSTA/Delta Global LogisticsPoker Run Flyer


Join us on Saturday February 25th, 2012 for the Delta Global Logistics Inc. / West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association 2012 Poker Run!

Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. – Run starts at 11:30 a.m. Choose from three starting points: Antrim Truck Stop in Arnprior, J.R’s Restaurant in Almonte and The Point Dining Lounge in Constance Bay.

Finish line will be at the Kinburn Community Centre at 5:30 p.m. Food will be served and there will be a cash bar.
Master of Ceremonies for the evening will be Scott Lear, host of 106.9 The Bear’s evening show!

Cost: $15.00 Entry fee, plus $5.00 per hand
Prizes: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, as well as the oldest and youngest riders
Contact: Scott Hamilton

This year’s proceeds will benefit the Snowsuit Fund. We will be collecting donations of new and gently used winter wear (snowsuits, hats, mitts, boots) of all sizes. Please drop off at our registration booths or bring to the finish line afterwards. Let’s help out a great cause and have fun on the trails!

Please check back here for last minute updates or cancellation due to weather. We are hoping for a few cm of snow before the weekend so that we can proceed with this event. The trails are still holding a good base, but we need snow!

Delta Global Logistics Inc.
Ted Kelly, Broker, RE/MAX Realty Solutions Ltd. Brokerage
George’s Marine and Sports
Pivot Point Solutions Design and Communication

West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association Announces 2011 Landowner Appreciation Draw Winners

2011 West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association Landowner Appreciation Draw Winner

The winner of the 2011 West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association Landowner Appreciation Draw, Doug Craig, receives his Husqvarna 455 chainsaw from (l. to r.) Greg Veldhuizen, President W.C.S.T.A.I, Len Stavenow of Valley Rent-Rite and Ward 5 Councillor Eli El-Chantiry.

For immediate release;
Nov. 7, 2011

West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association Announces 2011 Landowner Appreciation Draw Winners

As the board of directors of the West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association gear up for another winter of fun on the trails, they are pleased to announce the winners of the 2011 landowner appreciation draw.

Landowners form the backbone of organized snowmobiling in Ontario. Without their commitment and generosity, much of the 34,000 km. Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Club’s trail system would not be possible. Landowners receive no compensation, so in this sense, they too, are an integral part of the voluntary system that makes organized snowmobiling work in Ontario.

First prize in this year’s draw, sponsored by Ward 5 Councillor El-Chantiry and Valley Rent Rite in was a Husqvarna Model 445 chainsaw with a retail value of $469.99. The lucky winner was Doug Craig of Deer Run Rd. in Pakenham. Second prize, also from Valley Rent Rite was a DeWalt cordless hammer-drill with a retail value of $249.99 which went to the Rick Craig of Diamondview Rd.

Third, fourth and fifth prizes were gas certificates from Barrs Service Centre in Pakenham, Nicoll’s Ultramar in Woodlawn and Darvesh’s Store in Kinburn. Winners were Peter Nanne, Waba Rd. and Tom Beaubien of Galetta Sd. Rd. and Luc Menard of Dunrobin Rd.

Sixth through Thirteenth received a $50 gas card courtesy of Petro-Canada, awarded to the following landowners: Gord Nesbitt, Bill Robinson, Arden Strong, Bill Ryan, Ron Lindsay, Stanley Cavanagh and Jeff Hunt. The balance of our twenty winners received a $20 gift certificate from Home Hardware. These go to Claude Proc, Tom O’Rourke, Bill Hackett, Robert Copeland, Jim Stevenson, Don Miller and Bruce Hudson.

On behalf of all of our W.C.S.T.A.I. members the board congratulates the winners and thanks all of the area landowners that make our local trail network possible.

2012 Permits Now Available

Prices for the 2011-2012 seasonal permits have been held at last year’s levels; $200 before December 1st and $250 after. Classic permits (1997 model year or earlier) remain at $125 and are available all year. Local outlets are listed at https://www.wcstai.com or, for the ultimate in convenience you can order on-line at http://www.ofsc.on.ca (note: classic permits are only available on-line – check either of these web addresses for the details).

Trail status

West Carleton trails are still closed – however, we have started packing our trails and will continue this and hope to get the trails to LIMITED next week.