Board meeting Nov 10, 7 pm. It will be held at 3680 John Shaw Road, Kinburn.
Due to covid restrictions, this will be kept to directors only. If any member of the club has an item to bring up at the meeting, please contact any one of the directors, as listed in the “About” page of this site.

We would like all snowmobilers using our trails within the limits of the city to check out our Trails page. Our district, the Upper Canada Snowmobile Region, has completed a new land use agreement with the city on behalf of the 5 clubs that have trails within the City of Ottawa.

Big thanks to Dave, Paul, Doug, and Stewart for coming out Sat, and working on a section of W21 in the Carp Ridge
The Upper Canada Snowmobile Region is holding their annual general meeting, on Oct 22, at 7 pm. This was formerly known as District 1, and is the district to which our club, and our club members belong.
Due to COVID-19, the 2020 UCSR AGM will be conducted VIA ZOOM.
Advance registration is required for this meeting to facilitate voting and to confirm attendees. This may be completed here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJApd-qrrTgjHdJqahSfjLIxaqhYEiNUBcaC
The only persons entitled to attend the AGM are the Members (any member of a club within the UCSR), the Directors of the UCSR, the auditors of the UCSR and any other person invited by the Chair of the meeting or with the majority consent of the Members present at the meeting.
Each member will simply need to provide first name, last name, e-mail address, club and position within the club. Each member should register separately and access the meeting from separate computers to facilitate voting (1 computer = 1 vote regardless of the number of people participating from a single computer).
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Additional meeting information, agenda, and voting details will follow shortly.
If anyone is available to do some brushing on the W21 (Carp Ridge Trail) on Saturday October 24 at 9am. We will be working between Thomas Dolan and Carp Rd. to widen the trail. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Meeting where the W21 crosses Thomas Dolan. Please wear Orange if you can attend. Organized by Dave Garneau.
At the WCSTAI AGM, 2 new directors joined our board, Emma Anderchek, and Collin Russell We also would like to thank Scott Hamilton and Mark Broeders who are stepping down from the board this year.
Driver Training is available online. Go to OFSC Website, Driver Training page for more information and to register for the course. https://www.ofsc.on.ca/driver-training/
Due to ongoing situation with COVID 19, West Carleton Snowmobile Trails will not be holding an in-classroom training session this season.
Tickets will be available at the AGM for West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association
at the Carp Agricultural Hall, on Sept 15, 7 pm.

Win a Discover Winter Snowmobile Package!
Value: $29860
Two Demo 2020 Renegade 900 ACE Adrenaline Skidoos
Sponsored by Loiselle Sports
One New 2021 XT11 Triton Covered Trailer
Sponsored by Alumite Enterprises
Draw DateL 17 December, 2020 at 7L00 pm At the
Carleton Place Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Centre,
170 Bridge Street, Carleton Place, Ont.
Proceeds go to Snowmobile Education and Safety Programs
15000 Tickets Printed, License : M842825
Upper Canada Snowmobile Region, 613 543 0374 tickets@ucsr.ca
PO Box 2011 , Carleton Mews, Carleton Place, Ont, K7C 4K3

Annual General Meeting 2020 now being held at Carp Agricultural Hall, 3790 Carp Road, Carp.
The hall has instituted cleaning procedures as per Covid 19, will provide for social distancing, and hand sanitizer will be available. Please bring a mask, as masks will be mandatory.
Call For New members on the Board of Directors
Hello my friends, Hope you are all had a great summer and that it will continue into September ????
The Club needs your help !!
We will be filling several positions on on your Board this year and the new Board will be selecting some key officer positions including President and Treasurer.
Our AGM is Sept 15, 7 pm at Carp Agricultural Hall.
Our Club needs to continue the work that has been accomplished by you, and your Board over the last several years. There have been some new trails & bridges added, events, membership growth, snowmobile raffle, sponsors added and many other things.
If you can help in any way please send a message to Mark at Treasurer@wcstai.com
Thanks so much and lets keep heading down the right trail.
Thank you,
Your Board of Directors
Volunteers needed!

Hello fellow members of our club.
We have a chance for some of you to become active members working with us in this club, looking after some of our trails in the Almonte area.
Our club has over 250 km of trails, and we have a dedicated group of people, our trail coordinators, who look after them.
We split the trails into small pieces that are more manageable for each coordinator. The trail coordinator for a section of trail, looks after getting pickets and signage installed in the fall, and removed in the spring. They also watch for any issues that might arise in that section and work that may be needed. Should anything arise, they can reach out to the board, to other coordinators, and to volunteers at large who may be available.
While we have trail coordinators that take responsibility for a section of trail, whenever help is needed, we all pitch in, as best we can. No one is expected to “do it all themselves”.
The more people who can take on small pieces of the trail, the easier it is to maintain the whole system, and so, we are appealing to our members.
The areas where we could use some extra help with are:
- different sections of trails from Almonte in the directions of Panmure (parts of A trail to W19),
- Pakenham (parts of W23, W311),
- Blakeny (W12, W14).
We will work with new volunteers to ensure they are comfortable with handling a section of trail. This is your chance to give back to snowmobiling and make a difference with your local club.
Contact us at volunteer@wcstai.com